
Racism and Ethnocentric Cognitive Bias

There is a lot to say on this matter and this article will only scratch the surface. Right now, a lot of people are hurting.
America has not addressed the historic racism that exists, and raw emotions is the national reaction to racial injustice. The killing of George Floyd may be a tipping point for change.

I watched the videos of the horrific events that transpired in Minneapolis. I felt anger, and despair that was rising from my 60+ years of hearing, listening, reading and witnessing racially fueled atrocities. It is difficult to look at the image of George Floyd pleading ... the inhumanity resonates with us all.

While the outrage is palpable; it is not disproportionate to the crime. It is however, a wake-up call for many. I use the word "peace" quite often as a conclusion to an email or letter. As aspirational as that is, I believe peace will never exist unless it is proceeded by "justice." This moment is a call for deep reflection ... including myself, who as a white person has for the entirety of my life lived comfortably within "white privilege," while the Black community and others have not.

Ruth King writes that "Racism is a heart disease, and it's curable." In her book, "Mindful of Race: Transforming Racism from the Inside Out," she explores crucial topics and challenges us to think deeply about what is required of us individually and collectively. As we struggle to face the challenges presented by our U.S. racial history with greater courage and kindness, we must identify our own discomfort as a core competency to transformation. The question is, do we have the personal will to do so? To step out of our comfort and into courage.

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