New Covid-19 Planning Guide Released Statewide
- By: CASC
- On: 08/06/2020 12:53:56
- In: CASC Blogs
CASC has a newly released report designed for administrators and staff to guide decision-making during the "re-entry to school" process.
The guide is organized within a three-phase re-opening process: 1) Prior to School Opening Preparation, 2) Opening of School and Assessment Strategies (first few weeks of school), and 3) Comprehensive Services and is FILLED with ready-to-use resources. A comprehensive review of the 50+ resources included in this document will be offered on August 18 at 3:00 PM. Registration is limited and will be opening soon.
A BIG thank you to Lezya Weglarz for her leadership on this project, Nicole Lanfranco for the design, and to all the administrators and school counselors who helped put this amazing guide and corresponding resources together.
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