
California Cheers ... Celebrating Growths and Progress!

Some of you recall the lively celebration at the CASC state conference in 2012 predicting that with the successful passage of CASC backed legislation, SB 1458 — School Accountability (Steinburg) we could anticipate in the next few years: 1) increased hiring of school counselors in California, and 2) substantial decrease in school counselor/student ratios. We are happy to report to you that a national report was released last week at the ASCA Delegate Assembly confirming our predictions. 
Here are the California facts:
  • 2015-2016 student/school counselor ratios are 708:1
  • 2014-2015 student/school counselor ratios were 760:1
  • One-year student/school counselor ratios percentage change is -6.8 percent
  • 6-year student/school counselor ratios (at the height of the recession) percentage change is -30 percent
  • 10-year student/school counselor ratios percentage change -26 percent
  • We are now 48th in the student/school counselor ratios with Arizona being 50th and Michigan falling to 49th
CASC understands that ratios larger than the recommended 250:1 are too large, however we also believe that this improvement is noteworthy and deserves a moment to pause and be grateful. We are predicting that improvement will continue. CASC staff and Board of Directors also take a bow for their continuous work over the year to ensure that school counselors are represented at state-level committees, that we speak at strategic state hearings, that we present about school counselors value at educational conferences across the state, and that we work closely with law makers to be proactive about new legislation to continue to advance school counselors status in California. 
