
Impact of Public Charge on Public Education

Approximately one million students in California live with one parent who is undocumented and many more live with a parent who is on a visa or is who is considered a permanent resident. These parents may be concerned about the redefinition of "Public Charge," which was due to go into effect on Oct. 15, and this could have an impact on students in your school district.
While public education and school meals are not considered a "Public Charge," enrollment in many other government programs are considered a "Public Charge" which could affect individuals seeking admission into the United States or applying for adjustment of status.

The redefinition of Public Charge may also impact the number of students who are counted as qualifying for free and reduced priced meals which is used for Title I funding, the Local Control funding formula, and area eligibility. The redefinition of Public Charge also could have an impact on chronic absenteeism rates in some school districts due to fears about the implementation of the new rules.

Click here to access the California Department of Education's "Safe Havens" web page which includes more information about the implementation of California laws protecting students, regardless of their immigration status or the status of their parents.
